


Relationship between Golf Consumer Involvement and Brand Image Mediated by Word of Mouth




楊世傑(Shih-Chieh Yang);楊天宇(Tien-Yu Yang);陳美燕(Mei-Yen Chen)


運動行銷 ; 消費行為 ; 中介效果 ; sport marketing ; consumer behavior ; mediation effect




14卷2期(2014 / 12 / 31)


171 - 193






In this study, golf course was considered a brand and a questionnaire survey was administered to collect data. The study aimed to assess the mediation effect of word of mouth on the relationship between consumer involvement and brand image. Of the total consumer sampling surveys conducted from March to April, 2013, 424 valid surveys were retrieved through snowball sampling. IBM SPSS 20.0 statistics software was used to process and analyze the data, including those of descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, path analysis, and the Sobel test. The study indicated that the golf consumers primarily included middle-aged and married men with college educations and incomes ranging from NT$ 50,001 to NT$ 100,000 per month. Most of the consumers who spent NT$ 2,001 to NT$ 4,000 on weekday mornings more often went to golf courses with their friends. A positive correlation was observed among consumer involvement, word of mouth, and brand image. The study also indicated that word of mouth plays a substantial mediating role between consumer involvement and brand image. In summary, the following suggestions were provided. The owners or managers of golf courses should strengthen the main market, which comprises older men, potential females, and youngsters, by using price strategies or special days to formulate promotion policies. Moreover, the owners and managers of golf courses should use word of mouth and technology platforms as marketing tools to establish a positive brand image.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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