


The Influence of Place Attachment and Recreation Conflict on Coping Behavior




王正平(Cheng-Ping Wang);張尹薰(Yin-Hsin Chang)


目標干擾理論 ; 壓力/調適互動理論 ; 八里左岸公園 ; goal interference theory ; transactional stress and coping theory ; Bali Zon-An Park




14卷2期(2014 / 12 / 31)


195 - 221




壓力與調適互動模型(transactional stress/coping model)揭露了壓力因子、壓力及調適策略三者之關係,然顯少有實證研究同時探討此三者間彼此之因果關係。本研究結合了目標干擾理論(goal interference theory)與壓力/調適互動模型,目的在透過地方依附、遊憩衝突與調適行為三者之關係來說明壓力前置因子如何與壓力共同作用影響調適策略之採用。研究以淡水河左岸公園之散步與自行車兩種活動參與者為研究對象,調查受訪者對左岸公園之依附感、衝突感受及調適策略採行情形。研究將受訪者區分為非假日、低依附低衝突、低依附高衝突、高依附低衝突及高依附高衝突等五個集群,並進一步比較五群體之調適策略。研究結果顯示低依附高衝突者在絕對替代策略之採行較其他集群為高,意味著遊客感受到壓力(遊憩衝突)考量調適策略時會受到壓力前置因子(地方依附)所影響,而調整絕對替代策略的採行。


The transactional stress and coping model displays the conceptual relationship among stress factors, stress, and coping. However, few studies have tested this relationship. This study combined goal interference theory and the transactional stress and coping model to explore how stress factors and stress influence coping based on the relationship among place attachment, recreation conflict, and coping strategies. The present research investigated walkers' and bikers' place attachments, perceived conflicts, and coping strategies observed at Bali Zon-An Park, New Taipei City, Taiwan. The respondents were divided into five groups: (1) weekday, (2) low-attachment-low-conflict, (3) low-attachment-high-conflict, (4) high-attachment-low-conflict, and (5) high-attachment-high-conflict. The coping strategies of the five groups were then further tested. The results showed that the low-attachment-high-conflict group received higher scores on absolute coping than those of the other groups. This confirms that the interaction of the stress factor (place attachment) with stress (recreation conflict) affected the respondents' coping strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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