


Needs Required at Fitness Centers That Accommodate Senior Citizens




吳冠霖(Guan-Lin Wu);周學雯(Hsueh-Wen Chow);蔡秀華(Hsiu-Hua Tsai)


健康促進 ; 高齡化社會 ; 運動產業 ; 動機—機會—能力理論 ; health promotion ; aging society ; fitness industry ; motivation–opportunity–ability theory (MOA)




16卷1期(2016 / 06 / 30)


147 - 170






Purpose: This research investigates the needs required in gyms and fitness centers for senior citizens. Methods: Twenty-six senior citizens participated in four trial programs—cardiovascular training, resistant training, group exercise, and spa—at a gym. Data were collected through on-site observations and Post-trial in-depth interviews with the senior participants. Results: Most participants were unfamiliar with the services available in a gym before the trials and perceived gyms to have high-costs, be venues for younger generations, and had no high service expectations. During the trials, seniors expressed concerns relating to the centers’ physical environment (e.g., sufficient space, places for rest, adaptable and easy-to-read instructions at training stations, and a stable, non-slippery floor) and professional services (e.g., fitness level–based classes and considerate and competent fitness professionals). Post-trial inquiries revealed that the following four factors strongly affect senior citizens’ decision to join a gym: affordability, accessibility, companionship, and motivation. Conclusion: The motivation–opportunity–ability theory may offer strategies for the government as well as practitioners in the fitness industry to provide better services to active, aging senior citizens, a rapidly expanding demographic in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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