


Analysis of Participation Motivation, Satisfaction, and Attraction Model of Century-Old Guanziling Hot Spring Music Festival Held in 2012 and 2013




徐茂洲(Mao-Chou Hsu);陳啟明(Chi-Ming Chen)


多群組分析 ; 交叉效度 ; 共變異數結構分析 ; Multiple-group analysis ; Cross validity ; Covariance structural analysis




16卷1期(2016 / 06 / 30)


91 - 120




本研究目的驗證百年好湯關子嶺溫泉音樂節參與動機、滿意度與吸引力間的關係。方法:為增加研究的效度,除對收斂效度、區別效度、組成信度檢驗之外,再採用交叉效度檢驗(2012 與2013)年模型的一致性。以驗證這兩群樣本的研究模式其效度之延展性。統計分析以SPSS 12.0 與AMOS20.0 為的分析工具。研究結果發現動機對滿意度有顯著之影響、動機對吸引力有顯著影響、2012與2013 年參與百年好湯關子嶺溫泉音樂節模式具有測量的恆等性成立。討論:建議加強活動吸引力,提高活動趣味性,提高觀光活動滿意度,加深到訪遊客的活動參與感,提升地方觀光發展。


The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between participation motivation, satisfaction, and attraction of the century-old Guanziling hot spring music festival. Methods: This study examined cross validity by verifying the consistency of the models in the two research groups in order to increase external validity. We used SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 20.0 for all statistical analyses. The research results supported several of our hypotheses. Motivation significantly influenced satisfaction and had a positive association with attraction. The participation model of the century-old Guanziling hot spring music festival in 2012 and 2013 possessed measurement invariance. Discussion: Our findings suggest that enhancing the quality of entertainment activities as well as satisfaction of the tourists in festivals would motivate tourists to participate in festival activities and thus promote local tourism.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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