


A Scale Measuring the Professional Status of Sport and Recreation Management




楊志顯(Chih-Hsien Yang)


專業建構 ; 評鑑 ; 認證 ; 人力資源管理 ; 品質保證 ; Professionalization ; evaluation ; accreditation ; human resource management ; quality assurance




16卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


1 - 36






Purpose: This study constructed a scale for measuring the professional status of sport and recreation management. Methods: A literature review and the Delphi technique were employed to elucidate the research topic. Nine field-related scholars, practitioners, and government officials participated in this study. Questionnaire surveys were conducted in two rounds. Results: The evaluation indicators of the professional status of sport and recreation management comprised two parts: the elements of a profession and characteristics of a profession. The elements of a profession included four dimensions: "Systematic Body of Knowledge," "Professional Authority," "Community Sanction," and "Regulative Code of Ethics," involving 20 evaluation indicators. The characteristics of a profession also included four dimensions: "Essentiality," "Exclusivity," "Complexity," and "Anatomy from Clients or Organization," with 16 evaluation indicators. Conclusion: The profession of sport and recreation management is rooted on a sound knowledge body, with members' collaborative efforts forming and upholding a set of ethical codes. By working together to showcase the irreplaceably essential contribution of the knowledge, skills, and services provided by the profession, members can prove its values to society. Future studies ought to consult administrators of sport and recreation businesses, researchers, and government authorities in the related fields, or conduct surveys on organizations providing sport and recreation services, to gather data from a variety of sources in comprehending the progress of this profession.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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