


Analyzing event benefits, expenditure category, and financial reimbursement program in international multi-sport events




許建民(Chien-Ming Hsu);黃煜(Yu Huang)


賽事效益 ; 成本類型 ; 補助區隔 ; event benefits ; expenditure category ; reimbursement scheme




16卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


59 - 78






Purpose: This study developed a financial reimbursement program for hosts of international multi-sport events. First, an evaluation framework for the positive benefits of sport events was created for prioritizing the bidding and hosting of international sport events. Second, event expenditure was categorized as a vital reference for further financial reimbursement. A financial reimbursement scheme was developed based on the hierarchy levels of international multi-sport events as well as the category of the event cost. Methods: Three focus groups were organized to develop an evaluation framework for the benefits of sport events. Fourteen experts were selected according to their profession. In-depth interviews with senior administrators from local governments and sports federations were conducted for categorizing the expenditure of international multi-sport events. Results: Seven dimensions and 72 indicators of the benefits of international multi-sport events were established to propose a three-tier concept of international multi-sport events. Event expenditure was categorized into three parts. The proportion and category of financial assistance toward the host city were elicited on the basis of the three tiers of sport events as well as event expenditure categories. Conclusion: The three-tier concept of international sport events with various benefits can serve as guidance for national governments in providing local host cities with financial assistance. To ensure that host cities understand the policy for hosting international sport events and implementing a financial reimbursement plan, central governments must initiate a solid publicity program.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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