


Effects of Leisure Involvement and Leisure Benefits on the Revisit Intention of Walking Tourism Participants




畢璐鑾(Lu-Luan Pi);黃純湘(Chun-Hsiang Huang);陳麗華(Lee-Hwa Chen);郭正德(Cheng-Ter Kuo)


休閒涉入 ; 休閒效益 ; 再遊意願 ; 心理效益 ; 自我表現 ; leisure involvement ; leisure benefits ; revisit intention ; psychological benefits ; self-expression




17卷1期(2017 / 06 / 01)


1 - 22




目的:本研究在探討健走旅遊參與者之休閒涉入、休閒效益對再遊意願之影響。方法:採用普查問卷調查法,針對2012及2013年「國際健走」及「下鄉健走」之健走旅遊參與者為研究對象,共發放344份問卷,有效問卷共342份,問卷回收率為99%。以描述性統計、相關分析、與多元階層迴歸分析進行資料處理。結果:研究發現一、健走旅遊之休閒涉入、休閒效益與再遊意願呈高度正相關,顯示參與健走旅遊涉入程度愈高,所獲得之休閒效益愈高,再遊的意願也愈高。二、在休閒涉入預測再遊意願的路徑中,當休閒效益進入第二階層的模式後,休閒涉入之Beta值明顯下降,進一步以Sobel test檢驗後,健走旅遊之休閒效益在休閒涉入與再遊意願之間具有中介效果。結論:健走旅遊參與者透過親身參與的體驗,感受到不同層次的休閒效益影響,是促使健走旅遊參與者再遊意願的原動力。未來研究可應用於不同健走旅遊活動時,比較不同健走旅遊活動之異同,探討從事不同健走旅遊參與者透過休閒涉入是否仍受到休閒效益而影響再遊意願。


Purpose: This study identified the current situation of participants from different backgrounds participating in walking tourism, in addition to discussing the relationships among leisure involvement, leisure benefits, and revisit intention by administering questionnaires. Methods: Questionnaires were distributed to 344 participants from the "International Walking" and "Walking the Countryside" programs in 2012 and 2013. In total, 342 valid questionnaires were collected with a validation rate of 99%. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. Results: The results of this study are outlined as follows: (a) Pearson's correlation analysis revealed the correlations among leisure involvement, leisure benefits, and revisit intention in walking tourism, indicating that participants with a higher involvement level obtained higher leisure benefits and exhibited higher revisit intention. (b) The Beta value of leisure involvement significantly decreased once the leisure benefits entered the second model in predicting revisit intention. After the Sobel test was conducted, the mediating effect of the leisure benefits was confirmed. Conclusion: Walking tourism participants experience the effects of different levels of leisure benefits, which lead to greater revisit intention. Future studies should investigate different walking tourism activities to compare and find similarities for different walking tourism activities, in addition to investigating different walking tourism participants on the basis of leisure involvement as affected by leisure benefits and revisit intention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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