


Investigation of the Antecedents of Consumer Behavioral Intentions: Case Study of Sports Centers Operated by China Youth Clubs




黃美珠(Mei-Ju Huang);陳美燕(Mei-Yen Chen)


臺北市運動中心 ; 服務品質 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 運動中心形象 ; 行為意圖 ; Taipei sports centers ; service quality ; customer satisfaction ; sports center image ; behavioral intention




17卷1期(2017 / 06 / 01)


71 - 104






Purpose: This empirical study investigated the antecedents of intentions expressed through positive word of mouth, focusing on the interrelationships between service quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intention at sports centers in Taipei that are managed by China Youth Clubs. Specifically, this study examined customer satisfaction as a mediator between service quality and behavioral intention while considering the moderating effect of sports center image on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. Methods: A cross-sectional research design with a self-administered questionnaire was adopted for data collection for two studies (Ns = 245 and 260). Study 1 was to assess the factorial structures, reliabilities and validities of measures. Study 2 was to investigate the research model and hypotheses. The instruments of this study were service quality, customer satisfaction, sports center image, behavioral intention, and demographics. Results: The results indicate that the sports center service quality dimensions were core service quality, personnel service quality, and peripheral service quality. Service quality was associated with customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. Customer satisfaction was associated with behavioral intention and partially mediated the relationship between service quality and behavioral intention. Furthermore, sports center image moderated the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. Conclusion: This study concluded that service quality is the key driver of customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. Enhancement of service quality and image management are crucial to sports centers for enhancing customer satisfaction and influencing customers' subsequent intentions and behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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