
Event Marketing and Brand Loyalty in Chinese Professional Baseball League: Brand Identification as a Mediator






簡志宜(Chih-I Chien);陳建榮(Jin-Long Chen)


event marketing ; brand identification ; brand loyalty ; professional sport ; mediating effect ; 活動行銷 ; 品牌認同 ; 品牌忠誠 ; 職業運動 ; 中介效應




17卷2期(2017 / 12 / 01)


135 - 161




Purpose: Professional sport franchises have long been focusing on how to generate more revenue by increasing brand loyalty of fans through various means. Given the unique nature of professional sports, event marketing is an important attribute within this product category. While past research has indicated brand positioning has a strong effect on consumer loyalty, it is worth studying how event marketing influences consumer brand loyalty on a professional sport basis. The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of brand identification on the relationship between event marketing and brand loyalty. Methods: Three scales measuring event marketing, brand identification, attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty were employed in this study. A random sampling technique was used and 240 usable surveys were collected. Structural equation modeling technique was employed to examine the mediating effect of brand identification on the relationship between event marketing and brand loyalty. Results: Event marketing has both direct and indirect effects on brand loyalty. Brand identification served as a partial mediator in the relationship between event marketing and brand loyalty. Conclusion: Based on the results, the mediating role of brand identification indicated event marketing strategies should focus more on how to attract consumers and have them engaged with the brand. To be more specific, events should be created for those who are yet to be highly identified with the brand to enhance their loyalty towards the brand.



主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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