


Use Intention Research of Heart Rate Detection Wristbands Based On the Scientific and Technological Acceptance Model




吳勤榮(Chin-Jung Wu);詹詠誠(Yong-Chen Zhan);徐茂洲(Mao-Chou Hsu)


偏最小平方法 ; 知覺易用 ; 知覺有用 ; 科技準備接受模式 ; 持續使用意圖 ; partial least square method ; perceived ease of use ; perceived usefulness ; technology readiness acceptance model ; continuance in




19卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


31 - 62






Introduction: Physical fitness surveys have discovered that the weight loss movement is becoming increasingly popular with the public. Not only is weight loss considered equivalent to the pursuit of health but also the body itself is now the focus of attention. The purpose of this study was to explore the technical readiness, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness for general users of heart rate detection wristbands as well as the effect of satisfaction on continuous use intention. Method: Samples were social media users of Facebook, LINE, mobile01, and PTT Shi Yefang, and a network online questionnaire was employed to perform the survey and convenience sampling. In total, 300 online responses were obtained as positive test questionnaires, and the survey was completed between April 15, 2017, and May 30, 2017. The partial least squares method was employed to analyze questionnaire data. Results: Degree of scientific readiness has a significant influence on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and degree of satisfaction. Perceived ease of use significantly affects perceived usefulness and degree of satisfaction. Perceived usefulness has a significant impact on degree of satisfaction. Additionally, degree of satisfaction significantly affects continuous use intention. Finally, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use do not significantly affect continuous use intention. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, three self variables, such as scientific readiness, perceived usefulness, and degree of satisfaction-have significant effects on dependent variables. Therefore, we aim to make specific suggestions regarding these three variables. To increase the scientific and technological readiness of heart rate detection wristband users, in part after the service aspect, we aim to provide a perfect humanized customer service system. To improve the perceived usefulness of heart rate detection wristbands, we aim to design different training programs for users with different body mass indexes, in which a heart rate detection wristband app provides individualized training to achieve the desired goals of the user. To improve the perceived usefulness of the wristband and the satisfaction of wristband users, the research and development team can determine the intended purpose of the product for users by analyzing users' feedback or a questionnaire.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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