
日本職業籃球B. LEAGUE之治理


Governance and Business Model of the Japanese B.LEAGUE




郭家倫(Chia-Lun, Kuo);高俊雄(Chin-Hsung, Kao)


組織再造 ; 聯盟整合 ; Organization Reengineering ; Alliance Integration




21卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 12




日本職業籃球協會日本B. LEAGUE(2016年9月-至今)是由理事會及各專業委員會進行協會治理。依照章程日本B. LEAGUE對外由理事長代表,對內由賽事委員會、紀律委員會、法律委員會等委員會管理,除賽事委員會由各級球團及理事等分別組成,其餘委員會委員由主席提名理事會任命,不得由理事兼任。日本B. LEAGUE會員包括籃球俱樂部及相關組織或個人,會員大會以多數決選舉理事等。也積極整合俱樂部權力由日本B. LEAGUE統籌,以徹底應用數字行銷,進行職籃推廣及商業獲利。日本先是透過政治力的介入整合過去的兩大職籃聯盟,而後憑藉其整合行銷及系統整合的成功,日本B. LEAGUE透過分拆再整合,把日本主要的職業及業餘籃球賽事等均納入B. CORP的集團公司架構下,進行人員流動、資源分享和整合行銷。在新科技、新媒體與新娛樂的競爭之下,如果部分俱樂部沒有誘因或意願,繼續投入各種專業人士及資源,提高比賽的品質、宣傳及娛樂性,對於整個聯盟會產生巨大打擊。2019臺灣民間有再討論成立職籃聯盟,但是過去臺灣中華職籃(1993-2000)閃電解散的經驗讓社會記憶猶新,日本的模式也許適合臺灣未來職籃發展借鑒。


According to its rule book, the Japan Basketball Association, which runs the B.LEAGUE, is governed by the council and professional committees under the leadership of its chairman. The members of the three major committees, namely the executive, disciplinary, and legal committees, are appointed through the chairman's nomination and the approval of the board. However, the tournament committee is composed of clubs and directors. According to its constitution, B.LEAGUE is represented by the chairman of the board. B.LEAGUE members include the basketball clubs participating in the league as well as related organizations and individuals. These stakeholders have the right to vote by majority to elect board members. In addition to traditional business practices, which involve selling tickets, souvenirs, sponsor contracts, and TV broadcast rights, the business model of B.LEAGUE integrates club power to implement digital and new media marketing and cultural cooperation for promoting professional basketball. The B.LEAGUE was established in 2016 by combining two major professional basketball leagues in Japan through political intervention. Following achieving success, B.LEAGUE merged with amateur basketball leagues in Japan to form a B corporation for sharing and integrating resources and markets. B.LEAGUE, which is facing competition from new technology, media, and entertainment, would be negatively affected if individual clubs lack the incentive or willingness to invest their resources to improve the quality and entertainment value of their games. In 2019, stakeholders began discussions to establish a new professional basketball league; however, the sudden dissolution of the Chinese Basketball Alliance (1994-1999) is still fresh in their minds. The experience of Japan in establishing a professional basketball league may be helpful for the future development of professional basketball in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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