


NCAA Name, Image, and Likeness Regulations for Student Athletes




陳宏志(Hung-Chih Chen)


NCAA ; 學生運動員 ; 姓名、形象或肖像(NIL) ; 業餘原則 ; 商業利用權 ; National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) ; student athletes ; name, image, and likeness (NIL) ; amateurism ; right of publicity




23卷1期(2023 / 06 / 01)


3 - 17






Purpose: Appropriate regulations by the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) on the image rights of student athletes could foster a virtuous cycle and a positive environment in the sports industry. Methods: This study examines two significant U.S. court cases, O'Bannon vs. NCAA and Alston vs. NCAA, and related literature to highlight the practical considerations regarding the name, image, and likeness (NIL) of student athletes. Results: The principal rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court in these cases indicate that no constraints are imposed on scholarships, compensation, or other education-related benefits in the context of amateurism for student athletes. Following these judgments, the NCAA has updated its interim NIL policy and guidelines. Conclusion: This article provides a comprehensive analysis of changes to NIL policy and offers suggestions concerning NIL contracts and Article 22 of the National Sports Act. These insights could serve as a reference for the University Basketball Association, High School Basketball League, relevant authorities in Taiwan, and industry professionals in the sports sector. Originality/value:1. NIL is key but understudied; analysis of trends and legal changes demonstrated that the NCAA has adjusted its amateurism principles and regulations. 2. American student athletes can use their NIL to gain commercial benefits, contributing to a positive cycle between sports and business. 3. Although it may be challenging to replicate this in the short termin Taiwan, contractual agreements can be used, or amendment of the National Sports Act can be considered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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