Purpose: The application of intelligence across various fields has become a substantial global development trend in recent years. The aim of this study was to construct key success factors of intelligence at the Civil Sports Center and explore the perceived importance attributed to each factor index. Methods: Eleven experts and scholars were surveyed using a Delphi method-based questionnaire, and the analytic hierarchy process was used for analysis. A consensus was reached on critical success factors and their weight indices. Results: The experts reached a consensus on four key success factors for the intelligentization of the Civil Sports Center: "intelligent customer use," "intelligent operation management," "intelligent facilities and equipment," and "intelligent innovative operation." These factors included 4 primary indicators and 25 secondary indicators. Conclusion: Constructing these critical success factors for intelligence can effectively transform the operation and management mechanisms of the sports center, thereby enhancing operational performance. The first key success factor is intelligent customer use, which can increase the awareness of health management in users. This involves using smart facilities and equipment, strengthening administrative management through financial systems and image security monitoring, and continually enhancing innovative operations. For future operational and management practices, priorities include implementing automated service systems, enabling multiple online payments, managing local manufacturers, optimizing people flow analysis procedures, advancing continuous sports equipment technology, developing sophisticated building management mechanisms, and promoting scientific and technological fitness testing and training. Additionally, emphasis should be placed on the construction of online sports course teaching. Originality/value: 1. Research on intelligent facilities in sports centers is nascent, with information technology rapidly evolving. This study can serve as a reference in the ongoing revision of smart indicators and the in-depth analysis of specific items to foster academic development. 2. The study's findings can substantially transform the operational and management mechanisms of the sports center, and such transformations can be leveraged to enhance operational performance.
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