


Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Multidimensional Perceived Autonomy Support Scale for Physical Education




吳伯龍(Bo-Long Wu);潘敏(Min Pan);林國華(Kuo-Hwa Lin);徐偉庭(Wei-Ting Hsu)


自我決定理論 ; 自主支持 ; 體育課學生 ; self-determination theory ; autonomy support ; PE students




23卷2期(2023 / 12 / 01)


357 - 384




目的:教師自主支持是提升學生內在動機的重要條件,教師的何種行為能有效提高體育課學生的自主動機是教育學者與實務工作者所關注的議題。然而,過去的教師自主支持測量工具僅能檢測認知自主支持,而實際上教師自主支持應包含認知、程序與組織自主支持,目前國外已有以此概念為架構發展出的體育課三構面教師自主支持量表(MD-PASS-PE),但尚未有中文版本之量表。故本研究將對MD-PASS-PE進行中文化,並驗證中文版量表之信效度。方法:本研究分成三階段進行,階段一進行中文量表之專家效度檢驗;階段二則以346名國高中生(平均年齡14.94 ± 1.42)為對象,進行初步的量表模型檢驗;階段三以另外291名國高中生(平均年齡15.66±1.46)為對象,進行量表的恆等性與效標關聯效度檢驗。結果:中文版的MD-PASS-PE在各種信效度驗證中皆取得良好的結果。學生在體育課中的知覺自主支持、基本心理需求滿足與努力之間為正相關。結論:中文化MD-PASS-PE具有理想的信度與效度,可用於量測學生對於教師自主支持行為的感受,未來教師可根據量表檢驗之結果,設計具體的教學策略,以增進學生自主動機及營造正向課堂體驗;未來研究則可針對此量表進行複核效度檢驗,亦可檢驗此量表於不同年齡或是不同情境的適用性。創新性:1.提供測量教師自主支持的新工具。2.跳脫過往以單構面對教師自主支持行為進行分析的方式。


Purpose: Teacher autonomy support is a key element in enhancing intrinsic motivation in students. This topic has increasingly received attention from both educational scholars and practitioners. In physical education, teachers' behaviors play a key role in enhancing the autonomous motivation of students. Nevertheless, the majority of tools that are currently available for measuring autonomy support are capable of evaluating only cognitive autonomy support. Given that teacher autonomy support encompasses cognitive, procedural, and organizational aspects, the Multidimensional Perceived Autonomy Support Scale for Physical Education (MD-PASS-PE) was developed. This instrument has not been translated into Chinese. Therefore, the present study translated the MD-PASS-PE into Chinese and investigated its reliability and validity. Methods: This study was conducted in three phases. In Phase 1, the expert validity of the Chinese MD-PASS-PE was established. In Phase 2, the Chinese MD-PASS-PE was evaluated with a sample of 346 middle-school and high-school students (M_(age) = 14.94, SD_(age) = 1.42). In Phase 3, the measurement equivalence and criterion-related validity of the Chinese MD-PASS-PE were analyzed with a sample of 291 middle-school and high-school students (M_(age) = 15.66, SD_(age) = 1.46). Results: After its expert validity, internal consistency reliability, and construct validity were established and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted, the Chinese MD-PASS-PE was deemed fit and to have measurement invariance across different samples. Positive correlations were observed between the students' perceived autonomy support, basic psychological requirements, and efforts. Conclusions: The Chinese MD-PASS-PE is a valid and reliable tool that can be used to measure students' perceptions of teachers' autonomy-supporting behaviors. This scale can also serve as a reference for developing autonomy-supporting teaching strategies. In future studies, cross-validation of the Chinese MD-PASS-PE should be considered for different ages or contexts. Originality/value: 1.A Chinese version of an established scale was developed to measure perceived autonomy support. 2.Multidimensional analysis was conducted to identify teachers' autonomy-supporting behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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