


Evaluation of Local Development Effects Induced by Cultural Tourism: A Case Study of Community of Checheng on Jiji Rail Line




余雯親(Wen-Chin Yu);張長義(Chang-Yi Chang)


文化觀光 ; 商品化 ; 地方發展 ; cultural tourism ; commodification ; local development




20期(2007 / 06 / 01)


59 - 76




推動文化觀光以尋求地方再發展的新契機,是這幾年台灣許多鄉鎮所依循的發展模式。相較於主要幹線,性質屬於地方鐵道的支線,其觀光化的轉型,對於沿線的鄉鎮或村落而言,帶來了觀光人潮,且增加地方經濟收益。支線最主要的觀光資源以過往的產業文化還有保留下來的閒置產業空間爲主,這些閒置空間在觀光化下重新再利用。因此,本文以社區利用產業資源爲地方發展的主體,並推動文化觀光發展的概念,探討地方觀光商品化現象,並分析對地方發展的影響。 研究結果顯示,車埕開始推動文化觀光後爲地方發展帶來了新契機。首先,透過文化觀光讓地方居民重新尋找與認識地方文化,有了這一層認知,除了可以保存地方文化並且亦能賦予地方產業文化創意的加值;其次,以統計數據來看,遊客人數逐年增加,爲地方帶來的經濟效益包括有:導覽解說的收益讓地方除了申請計劃經費外,能有自主的資金來源;而以地方產業爲主而設計的各項文化商品,由於多了文化創意的加值與具有地方特色,增加了遊客的購買率。


Many townships in Taiwan are launching the so-called cultural tourism in an attempt to revive local economic development. Compared with the main lines of railroad, spur tracks are important in the development of local towns, because they bring in tourists and vitalize the economy. Spur tracks are important tourism resources, because along the tracks tourists are able to experience the traditional industrial cultures. This research focuses on how local communities make use of the industrial heritages to develop their own unique tourism. It also focuses on the cultural and special commercialization resulting from tourism, and on the influences of such commercialization on local development. The research findings show that Town of Checheng has initiated new opportunities since it began to promote cultural tourism in 1990s. Through cultural tourism, local residents have rediscovered their own traditional culture, then preserved it, and re-positioned with creativity. It shows that number of tourists has been increasing to bring about economic benefits, including government subsidies which can be put to greater use, various kinds of commodities which are abundant in local culture and very welcomed among tourists.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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