


A Study of Townships' Flood Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Model




蕭煥章(Huan-Chang Hsiao)


自然脆弱性 ; 社會脆弱性 ; 地方脆弱性 ; 脆弱性評估 ; 淹水潛勢區域 ; physical vulnerability ; social vulnerability ; place vulnerability ; vulnerability assessment ; flood potential area




21期(2008 / 06 / 01)


1 - 18




本文旨在進行臺灣本島各鄉鎮市區空間單元的水災脆弱性評估,透過文獻回顧、深度訪談、公務統計數據蒐集計算與圖示分析,以自然與社會脆弱性建立地方脆弱性。在自然脆弱性部分,採用國家災害防救科技中心所調查的淹水潛勢面積進行計算;在社會脆弱性部分,採用7個變項包括女性、住戶數、人口數、身心障礙者、14歲以下、65歲以上與不識字進行計算,合計前述7項評分計算出社會脆弱性,將自然脆弱評分結果乘以合計的社會脆弱評分結果,據以得到地方脆弱評分結果。 進一步將地方脆弱性評分採自然區隔分類法分爲5個列等,這些列等圖可顯示出有哪些鄉鎮市區空間單元具有多重脆弱性,可提供決策者進行水災的災害防救作業參考。 本文所使用的變項數據均可從政府公務統計取得,此一方法相較於Cutter的SoVI以美國各「郡」(County)約數千平方公里的空間爲單元,本文是以各「鄉鎮市區」約數十平方公里爲空間單元,所得到的結果更能具體精準呈現地方脆弱特性、精確度也相對提升;此外只要重行考量與計算自然脆弱變項,也可適用於其他災害,使本文兼具理論與操作性,也可在台灣各地方推行。


This paper attempts to establish flood hazard vulnerability assessment model for townships in Taiwan. On reviewing of references, using depth interview method and acquiring governmental statistical data, taking social and physical vulnerability score to establish township spatial units vulnerability score. For physical vulnerability assessment, NCDR's flood potential areas are taken to calculate physical vulnerability score. For social vulnerability assessment, seven social variables are included, i.e. female, number of households, the population, the disability, the age under 14, the age over 65 and illiterate. Social vulnerability is created by summing up scores of seven variables. Multiplying physical vulnerability score and social vulnerability score, place vulnerability is created. Place vulnerability scores are divided into five rankings by natural breaks method of classification. These vulnerability rankings will be easy for decision makers responding to floods by identifying multiple vulnerabilities for townships in Taiwan. These variable data are available from related agencies for other cities on same basis. Compared to Cutter's SoVI study, result of this study is based on vulnerability of township by tens of square kilometer instead of county by thousands of square kilometer, and place vulnerability is easy to identify precisely. It will be applicable for other hazards too, but variables of physical vulnerabilities need to be reconsidered and recalculated to meet these requirements. This paper is worth implementing and practicing in other places in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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