


The Influence of Coffee Festival towards Local Tourism in Gukeng Township




高崇倫(Chung-Luen Kao)


雲林縣古坑鄉 ; 咖啡節慶 ; 觀光產業 ; 觀光節慶 ; 路徑分析 ; Gukeng Township ; Coffee Festival ; tourism industry ; special event ; path analysis




22期(2008 / 12 / 01)


44 - 64




交通部在2001年曾提出,為振興國內產業,創造就業機會,擴大辦理地方節慶活動,結合公民營觀光資源及當地農產品,輔導業者編排旅遊行程大力推銷,以帶進旅遊人潮,而節慶活動本身所帶來的吸引力不限於自然景觀或是農業活動的第一級產業,還包含人文活動與服務的第三級產業。另外節慶尚能加強當地形象、帶來大量的觀光人潮、更能創造相當多的商機,同時也帶動當地的經濟發展。古坑鄉在2003年舉辦第一屆「台灣咖啡文化節」,打響了台灣咖啡的知名度,「古坑」與「台灣咖啡」也因此畫上了等號。2004年為期50天的第二屆「台灣咖啡節」,更是為古坑鄉帶來新台幣10億元的經濟效益。本研究的目的在探討古坑鄉經雲林縣政府積極的將咖啡與觀光產業結合後舉辦的大型節慶活動成效為何?文中利用深入訪談法探討台灣咖啡節的興起與發展歷程,同時在「2006台灣咖啡節」中發放問卷750份,將回收的670份利用SPSS Amos 6軟體分析觀光客對於古坑咖啡節慶的看法。研究結果顯示,古坑鄉的咖啡節慶活動對於地方觀光產業的推動是正向,而且節慶活動可以滿足觀光客的不同動機需求與體驗,因此雲林縣古坑鄉的「台灣咖啡」節是一個成功結合的案例。


In order to invigorate regional agriculture, provide job opportunities, and to hold festivals, The Tourism Bureau integrated sightseeing resources, regional agricultural products and tour itineraries to bring in people to Taiwan. Festivals can enhance place image, bring in tourists, create businesses and of course beef up economic development. Gukeng Township held their first ”Taiwan Coffee Festival” in 2003; it did not only make Taiwan coffee beans famous, but now Gukeng coffee is renowned to the world. The second ”Taiwan Coffee Festival” in 2004 made 1 billion NT dollars income to Gukeng Township within 50 days. The purpose of the study is to discuss the influence of coffee festivals toward Gukeng local tourism industry. Depth interview was used to discuss the origin and development on Taiwan coffee festivals, and 750 questionnaires were handed out to tourists arriving at 2007 ”Taiwan Coffee Festival” to collect data on their experiences. 670 questionnaires were collected to perform statistical analysis, and the result showed that well planned activities and recreational facilities will attract more tourists in the future and the Coffee Festival has influenced Gukeng Township's local tourism in a good manner.

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