


"Penang Locale", Malaysia: Island as a Frontier of Colonial Empire and Its Contextual Meaning




高麗珍(Li-Chen Kao)


檳榔嶼 ; 地方 ; 殖民 ; 歷史詮釋 ; Penang ; locale ; colony ; hermeneutic interpretation




22期(2008 / 12 / 01)


77 - 110






The term ”locale” in social geography is referred to ”social formation”. In new regional geography since 1990s, it can also be known as a region with historical and socio-cultural depths. The research of ”Penang locale” in Malaysia, in other words, is the integration of social, cultural, historical, and geographical spheres of Penang. In this article, writer intends to highlight the contextual meaning of Penang in the Straits of Malacca, had been taken an important role as a bridgehead of British Empire to enter East Asia. Since the East India Company occupied Penang Island in 1786, the empire's colonial force had been expanded progressively; and this act had been invoked a series, dynamic changes. Via historical hermeneutic approach, this paper will enquiry the time-space changes in end of 18th centuries through Captain Francis Light's diary and associated papers.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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