


The Geography of Tourist Consumption-A Case Study on Handicrafts Selection and Loyalty to Destination




劉瓊如(Chyong-Ru Liu)


消費地理學 ; 手工藝品選擇 ; 忠誠度 ; 市場區隔 ; Geography of Consumption ; Handicrafts choice ; Loyalty ; Market segmentation




23期(2009 / 06 / 01)


85 - 107




Clawson and Knetsch (1966)認為珍貴美好的遊憩體驗與歷久彌新的回憶是旅遊活動的重要價值。因此,遊客在旅遊地購買當地特產紀念品的消費行為,就不單只是對觀光產業經濟上的貢獻,同時就旅客本身而言,是帶回遊地回憶的重要紀念,尤其許多旅遊目的地的手工藝品具有傳統文化特色與藝術創意尤受遊客喜愛。本研究探討屏東縣三地門鄉排灣族原住民觀光區的消費地理特性,採統計分析歸納出遊客在手工藝品選擇準則為「手工技藝」、「設計美學」、「文化特色」、「方便清理」等4個因素,再以對目的地的忠誠度,將遊客區分為「高忠誠型」、「中忠誠型」、「低忠誠型」等3個群體類型,以進行手工藝品消費市場之區隔,希望將研究結果提供觀光產業者列入吸引新旅客與繫住舊遊客的方案。


Clawson and Knetsch's model of recreation experience views 'reminiscence' as an important link in the overall travel experience. The purchase of travel souvenirs not only has economic significance to the tourism industry, it is also an important part of travel experience and reminiscence. Due to their uniqueness and commemorative value as cultural items, handicrafts, in particular, are very popular with tourists. This paper studies the geography of tourist consumption on Paiwan indigenous Sandimen Township, Ping Tung County. For understanding the standard those tourists select handicrafts and whose loyalty to destination. Through statistic analysis, it was concluded that the standards employed in selecting handicrafts included handicraft workmanship, design aesthetics, cultural characteristics, and ease of cleaning. Customer loyalty was used as an indicator of market segmentation, with visitors grouped into ”high loyalty,” ”medium loyalty,” and ”low loyalty” groups. In light of this, we suggest that those in the industry develop sound customer loyalty programs in order to both attract new visitors and retain current ones, while thus increasing profits.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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