


Local Governance and Institutional Thickness-The Case Study of Hua-Shan Community




廖哲強(Zhe-Qiang Liao);蕭崑杉(Kun-Sun Shiao);郭大玄(Da-Xuan Guo)


地方治理 ; 制度厚實 ; 華山 ; 咖啡 ; local governance ; institutional thickness ; Hua-Shan Community ; coffee




25期(2010 / 06 / 01)


53 - 66




本研究從地方治理的角度,檢視華山社區災後重建過程中,國家、地方政府、社區三者關係,並更為細緻地從制度厚實(institutional thickness)概念,探究華山社區咖啡產業盛行之原因。研究發現:(一)台灣地方治理與西方地方治理最大不同在於「國家」的角色,前者有賴中央資金援助、後者則源於後福特主義危機,藉由權力下放以解決政府財政問題。(二)制度是治理過程中的產物,並有其地域性。華山社區的制度發展乃鑲嵌於特定地域社會所產生,從而厚實咖啡產業發展,卻也產生制度鎖死現象,阻礙產業發展。最後,研究建議政府進行社區發展工作時,應有統籌的專責單位,避免人力與資金上的浪費,造成地方派系產生之可能。


This paper aims to explore the relations among nation, local government and community in the process of post-disaster rebuilding process from the perspective of local governance. It also aims to further examine the reasons for the flourishing of the coffee industry in Hua-shan Community based on institutional thickness. Research results show that (1) the greatest difference of local governance in Taiwan and in the west lies in the role of the state. While the former relies on capital support from the central government, the latter originates from post-Fordist crises and resolves financial problems through the decentralization of governing power. (2) Institution is an outcome of the governing process and has its own locality. The Institutional development of Hua-shan Community is embedded in its locality, which helps thicken the development of its coffee industry. Nevertheless, an institutional lock-in is also in place, stopping the sector from developing further. Finally, research suggests that the government should have an organizing committee to take charge of community development work, so as to avoid the waste of human resource and capital, which may result in the formation of local factions.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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