This study aims to identify new stratergies in creating customer value and develop a competitive advantage for Alishan tourist tea gardens in Central Taiwan. First, a panel of 23 scholars were consulted using the Delphi method, with a two-stage survey then compiled with tourist tea garden customer values broken down into 24 indices across five areas of assessment: convenience of tea product purchasing (five indices), the quality of tea products (six indices), expression of local identity (three indices), attractiveness of location (five indices), and cultural experience (five indices). Questionnaires were divided into two groups, entrepreneurs and visitors, and through IPA analysis the differences in customer value of each were analyzed. Customer value was then arranged using the Kim and Mauborgne Blue Ocean Strategy Four Action Framework: (1) Eliminate: Three elements-luxurious store environments, distinctive package deals for the tea area, and garden tea houses. (2) Reduce: Five elements-richness in choice of tea-related product samples, convenience of traffic access to stores, selling high-grade tea products, elegant packaging, guided tours of tea production. (3) Raise: Nine elements-the ability to go through relevant channels for purchasing, anti-counterfeiting marks on tea boxes, proof of tea identity, high-quality accommodation facilities, distinctive tea villas that can be toured, recognizable branding for tea villas, elegant tea-based meals, experiential activities in tea gardens and affiliated areas, stores for distinctive agricultural products. (4) Create: Brand trustworthiness, renovation of spaces, and product design and story-based marketing to create new value. The results of this study may provide the tourist tea gardens in Alishan a valuable reference for creating a new market niche and customer value.
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