


Using a Web-3D Virtual Object Platform and Spatial Autocorrelation Method to Analysis the Interactive Relationship of Residents in Urban Planning Project




雷祖強(Tsu-Chiang Lei);葉吉雄(Chi-Hsiung Yeh);吳仕傑(Shih-Chieh Wu);李素馨(Su-Hsin Lee)


虛擬物件 ; 民眾參與 ; 空間自相關 ; Google地球 ; Virtual object ; Public participation ; Spatial autocorrelation ; Google Earth




29期(2012 / 06 / 01)


53 - 68




本研究透過網路式Public Participation GIS(PPGIS)概念並運用Google Earth API技術建置3D虛擬物件空間展示規劃平台,使用者除可藉由平台瞭解規劃內容之外,並可將其規劃建議直接標示在3D模型上並記錄其空間位置,讓規劃者能更進一步瞭解居民關心規劃案中的熱點區域以及其想法,也讓使用者能對於規劃方案決策有所參與,進而提高規劃中民眾參與程度。此外為更進一步瞭解何謂規劃議題當中的熱點,以及使用者提出之建議是否具有聚集性,本研究利用空間自相關方法(Spatial Autocorrelation method)進行分析。研究結果發現本平台讓民眾對於規劃方案決策有所參與,可提高規劃中民眾參與及互動程度之關係。而藉由本平台記錄使用者建議內容以及平面座標之功能,規劃者可直接匯整成最終成果,進而改善規劃決策。研究結果顯示藉由此方式輔助規劃者在規劃上的決策,可減少部份說明會開會次數,讓無法配合開會時間的多數居民得以使用網路參與規劃,使決策更符合居民需求,提高規劃內容的可行性。


In order to measure public participation effect and behavior of users in a urban planning project, this study developed an Interactive Participatory Planning Platform of Web-3D Virtual Object (WVO) system. Which can record the important information/positions in the 3D model. Urban planners can utilize this system to understand what factors are significant to the residents and how the factors correlate to the actual space. Hence, the residents can have more input in the planning process and improve the level of public involvement. This study utilized a Spatial Autocorrelation method to further understand the issues of hot spots raised by users, which were presented in an Interactive Participatory Planning Platform; and further to analyze the spatial correlation of users' suggestion and recorded coordinates. The aggregation phenomenon of users' opinions from WVO platform result was suggested. This information can feedback to planners for the final results through this web system, hence public participation can be appropriately presented by WVO platform. The information can assist in making planning decisions, reduce the number of meetings and residents that doesn't have time to participate in the planning meeting can participate via the use of the internet to raise the feasibility of future projects.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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