


Relationship of local experience, place attachment and place image in Shih-Da district


李素馨(Su-Hsin Lee);吳瑋倫(Wei-Lun Wu)


在地體驗 ; 地方意象 ; 地方依附 ; 策略體驗模組 ; 師大夜市 ; local experience ; place image ; place attachment ; strategic experiential modules (SEMs) ; Shih-Da night market




32期(2017 / 09 / 01)


27 - 48






The surrounding of NTNU provides teachers, students and residents daily necessities and formed a commercial district, which has gradually recognized as Shih-Da Night Market. Shih-Da Night Market is different from the traditional culture and tourism night market because it maintains the traditional night market's consumer culture, but also with presence of many new exotic stores, and is surrounded by historic buildings and valuable cultural attractions and rich diversity. This study aim on how the local experience and place attachment to influence place image by using the case of Shih-Da district. Therefore, the data collected by quantitative method. Used the structure equation model to test, and a convenience sample of 321 cases was selected for the survey. The local experience was measured by three naming categories of "Sense", "Feel" and "Think". The place attachment was measured by two naming categories of "Place identity" and "Place dependence". The place image was measured by six naming categories of "Total image", "Human milieu", "Fashion and creative", "Exotic cuisine", "Night market planning" and "Cultural consumption". The study results are as followed: 1. The model revealed that local experience is significantly and positively related to the place image and place attachment. 2. The model revealed that place attachment is significantly and negatively related to the place image. To discuss how the negative impact of night market for the development to the Shih-Da district.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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