


Study on Relevance between Service Quality and Policies Made by the Hotel Industry-Based on Perceptual Positioning Analysis




梁榮輝(Jung-Hui Liang);劉邦典(Peng-Tien Lieu);林杰麃(Chieh-Biao Lin)


服務品質 ; 環境識覺 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; Service Quality ; Environmental Perception ; Customer Satisfaction ; Customer Loyalty




3卷2期(2006 / 12 / 01)


113 - 127




本研究以福華飯店(代名)為個案公司,建立服務品質模式,並以其在台灣境內的數間旅館為研究對象,進行實證研究,期望達到下列研究目的:探討數間旅館在顧客心目中的潛伏層知覺定位。 本研究首先透過文獻回顧,並針對旅館業之產業特性,發展出衡量服務品質之五大構面,分別是員工素質(Labor)、環境識覺(Perception)、環境設施(Environment)、客戶服務(Service)、資訊提供(Information);之後以結構方程模式(SEM, Structural Equation Model)檢驗服務品質模式之外在品質及內在品質;確認模式兼具內外品質後,再以多元尺度分析(MDS, Multi-Dimensional Scaling)求解服務品質。 本研究運用結構方程模式的概念,經實證分析後,得到以下的研究發現本研究運用結構方程模式的概念,將知覺定位分析的層次區以「潛伏層」,供策略層的管理當局參考。經實證分析後,得到以下的研究發現:潛伏層的知覺定位分析,都是翡翠灣表現最佳旅館、台北為表現最差旅館。根據實證分析之結果,衍生出許多的策略涵意,可以作為福華飯店在推動服務品質及顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度的參考依據。


The research demonstration is ”Howard hotels service quality”. The research to establish a service quality model, and takes six hotels within the boundaries of taiwanas the research object. We expected achieves the following three purposes. We analysis customer's perceptual position of latent level. First, this research probe the literature review, like service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and so, then fit characteristic of the hotel industry, develops five dimensions of service quality. The five dimensions that measure service quality are labor, perception, environment, service, information; afterwards we use Structural Equation Modeling to examine quality of service quality model, finally, we use Multi-Dimensional Scaling Analysis to solve service quality. This research utilized the concept of structure equation modeling, to distinguish latent level. These two analysis outcome is for decision levels managers. In the empirical research, the main results as follows: Latent level, the result is that, Taipei hotel have the badest service performance, Feschewa hotel have the best service performance. In response to demonstration,. these are reference for managers to impetus service quality and the customer activities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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