


An Empirical Study of the Service Recovery Effects on Perceived Police Service Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Relationship Marketing: The Kaohsiung Harbor Police Office Case




高瑞新(Rui-Hsin Kao)


服務補救 ; 服務價值 ; 顧客滿意 ; 關係行銷 ; Service Recovery ; Service Value ; Customer Satisfaction ; Relationship Marketing




3卷2期(2006 / 12 / 01)


31 - 53




本研的目的在探討警察之服務補救對民眾認知服務價值、抱怨處理後滿意度與關係行銷之影響,分別探討:(1)服務補救對服務價值認知之影響(2)服務補救對抱怨處理後滿意度之影響(3)服務補救對關係行銷之影響(4)服務價值對關係行銷之影響(5)抱怨處理後滿意度對服務價值之影響(6)抱怨處理後滿意度對關係行銷之影響。 本研究以問卷調查的方式進行,成功的訪問226位港區從業人員,以線性結構方程式(LISREL)進行資料的實證分析,研究中發現(1)服務補救對服務價值認知(2)服務補救對關係行銷(3)服務價值認知對關係行銷(4)抱怨處理後滿意度對服務價值認知(5)抱怨處理後滿意度對關係行銷,有顯著的正向關係。本研究依據研究發現討論其管理涵意,並對警察實務界與學術界提供若干建議與未來研究方向。


The goal of this study is to investigate the relationship among service recovery (SR), perceived police service value (SV), customer satisfaction (CS), and relationship marketing (RM). The following aspects are being discussed in detail: (1) the SR effect on perceived SV;(2) the SR effect on CS;(3) the SR effect on RM;(4) the SV effect on RM;(5)the CS effect on perceived SV;(6)the CS effect on RM. We used the LISREL model to analyze the answers of a questionnaire gathered from the wharf workers of Kaohsiung Harbor. The detailed relationships are as follows: (1) SR has a direct significant positive effect on SV. (2) SR has a direct significant positive effect on RM. (3) SV has a direct significant positive effect on RM. (4) CS has a direct significant positive effect on SV. (5) CS has a direct significant positive effect on RM. Finally, the author discussed the implications of the findings, and offered several suggestions and directions for studies to the police and the academic.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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