


Using the Kano's Two-Dimensional Model and Importance-Performance Analysis to Evaluate Service Quality of the HR Service Agency




林淑萍(Shu-Ping Lin);李暐珣(Wei-Syun Lee);詹雅慧(Ya-Hui Chan)


人力銀行 ; 網路服務品質 ; 重要-表現程度分析IPA ; Kano品質模式 ; HR service agency ; online service quality ; importance-performance analysis IPA ; Kano's model




4卷2期(2007 / 09 / 01)


1 - 17






For the development of network technology and transformation of job seeking environment, the HR service agency online has become the emerging channel for candidates to look for jobs. Moreover, due to the variety of users' demand for service attributes in recent years, emphasizing on promoting service quality with taking account of resource-limited situation has been served as the management principle for sustainable operation. Consequently, this research referred to the e-SERVAQAL and e-recSERVAQAL for developing a revised scale and then we took the 104 HR service agency as the study object to proceed to the resource distribution analysis by performing both the Kano's model and IPA technique. As the results show, the conception of Kano's two dimensional model can further discriminate the improving priority that traditional IPA model suggested depend on different quality categories, so the conclusion was certainty conducive to promote service quality and the integrated model can also be the reference of related researches.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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