There are 3 purposes of this study: At first, telecom consumers' cognitive evaluation about the time point before their purchase which started from value connotation to establish the antecedent variables such as service quality construct of new product service and enterprise image, etc. as well as using the constructs such as perceived value, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction as the intervening variables to explore the integration structure of subsequent behavior intention; at second, using the concept of added-value service against perceived value to conduct study on its contributions for telecom business practice; at last, exploring the differentiation of consumer preferences to select telecom companies in Taipei area. In its empirical analysis, using SEM models and convenience sampling method, we conducted questionnaire survey aiming at the customers of Chung Hwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile, FET net, Vibo Telecom, and Asia Pacific Telecom for conduct questionnaire survey. The result of this study shows that consumers' perceived value would be influenced by service quality, enterprise image, product price and value-added service of the telecom company. However, product involvement will not affect the perceived value, while such perceived value would affect customer loyalty and satisfaction, and go further to affect consumers' behavior intention for purchasing telecom products. The paper is useful to researchers and telecom companies who are focused on value-added service, perceived value, customer Satisfaction and Behavior Intention implementation.
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