
以ANP 分析跨國生技醫療產業選擇本土經銷商之決策方案


ANP Analysis to Multinational Corporation of Medical Biotechnology Industry Choose Local Distributors




施光訓(Kuang-Hsun Shih);張曉楨(Hsaio-Chen Chang);黃玉蘭(Yu-Lan Huang)


生技醫療產業 ; 網絡層級分析法 ; 經銷商選擇 ; Medical Biotechnology Industry ; Analytical Network Process ; Distributors Choose




12卷2期(2015 / 09 / 01)


117 - 136




綜觀台灣生技醫療產業,具有高精密高科技之器材或藥品,多數仰賴跨國公司經營,同時這些跨國企業亦希望能在本土尋求最適當的經銷商,然而抉擇基礎是由許多因子判斷,本研究希望藉由統計ANP 法,及透過專家訪談及問卷方式,將經銷商選擇因子予以歸類並探討。本研究集合該產業專業高階經理人之意見,剖析跨國生技醫療產業選擇經銷商之關鍵因子,也希望透過該研究有助業界經營參考價值外,亦希望政府有力的支援能夠再振興生技醫療產業在本土的發展。


To see the overall medical biotechnology industry in Taiwan, most the state of the art medical supply or drug were operated by multinational company, in another words, they would like to find the appropriate cannel to run business in Taiwan. How they choose the best function or company, which would according to some key factors. In this study, will use ANP method and interview several Chief executive officer or managers to find the key factor to discuss. In this study combine the view of some experts. This research could assist more companies to think how they can live, and how much value they have. Taiwan government would invest more resources to improve the development on medical biotechnology.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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