


The Impact of Big Data Applications on Customer Relationship Management and Integrated Marketing




張曉楨(Hsiao-Chen Chang);楊馥如(Fu-Ju Yang);顏禎妤(Chen-Yu Yen)


大數據應用 ; 顧客關係管理 ; 整合行銷 ; Big Data Applications ; Customer Relationship Management ; Integrated Marketing




14卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


69 - 93






Based on rapid progress in modern information network technology, big data has accumulated quickly and is applied to be the focus of public attention. Business uses big data to interact with its customers. Enterprises could be more competitive and the customer loyalty could be more strengthened through customized design and personal products or services. By positive word of mouth communication bringing new customers, the company is committed to maintaining good relations with customers. LISREL8.70 software is adopted in this study as a data analysis tool, to conduct questionnaire recycling, to understand the relationship among variables in the study. The structural equation modelling is applied to investigate the causality of the application of big data to customer relationship management and integrated marketing. The results show that the big data application has a significantly positive impact on customer relationship management and integrated marketing. However, there is no significant relationship between customer relationship management and integrated marketing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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