


Study of Somatotype and Special Soccer Fitness in High School Male Players




林琨瀚(Kuan-Han Lin);李佩樺(Pei-Hua Lee);許智超(Chih-Chao Hsu);吳志銘(Chih-Min Wu)


守門員 ; 守備位置 ; 節奏跑 ; Keeper ; Position ; Yo-Yo test




19輯(2014 / 12 / 01)


f1 - 8




本研究目的為探討優秀高中男子足球在不同位置選手身體型態與專項體能之特性差異,方法:以高雄市甲組高中選手為對象(守門員7人、前鋒7人、後衛7人、中場11人,共計32人),平均身高:170.84±4.82cm、體重:63.16±7.58kg、身體質量指數:21.60±2.12。八項足球專項體能包括坐姿體前彎、垂直跳、10公尺折返跑、30公尺衝刺、定位踢準、10公尺快速帶球跑、10公尺S型盤球、節奏跑(Yo-Yo test)。所得資料以獨立樣本單因子變異數(one-way ANOVA)進行分析,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:守門員身體型態比中場球員高壯,但在身體質量指數並無顯著差異。八項專項體能檢測中場選手在定位踢準項目顯著優於後衛,最大攝氧量後衛和中場比前鋒與守門員佳。結論:足球選手無論專項位置為何,各項能力均需具備全面性水準,以符合現今足球競賽特性。選材方面,身體型態守門員必須較為高壯,以符合守備所需;技術定位踢準能力優良者,在中場位置防守與進攻上會有較佳表現。


The purpose of this study was to investigate somatotype and special soccer fitness among different positions in high school male players. Methods: Thirty-two elite high school soccer players were recruited in this study; including seven Goalkeepers (GK), seven Forwards (Fs), seven Defenders (Ds) and eleven Midfielders (MF) (Height: 170.84 ± 4.82cm, Weight: 63.16 ±7.58kg, BMI: 21.60 ± 2.12). Special soccer fitness tests were including the sit and reach, vertical jump, 10 meters single stage beep test, 30 meters sprint, 20 meters kicking accuracy test, 10 meters fast dribbling, 10 meters S curve dribbling and Yo-Yo test. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, significant level was set as α=.05. Results: GK's height and weight were significant higher than the MF, but without differences in BMI. For soccer special fitness tests, only the MF had better performance than Ds in kicking accuracy test, Ds and MF had better performance in Yo-Yo test than Fs and GK. Conclusion: Modern soccer training need the total solution conditioning methods and talent identification, including all positions. GK required higher height and body composition for defense in morphological aspect, and MF need higher level kick skills to passing and attacking.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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