


A study of seniors' participation constraints, involvement, purchase intention of joining fitness club




王婉馨(Wang, Wan-Hsin);廖堡寬(Liao, Pao-Kuan);邵于玲(Shao, Yu-Lin)


銀髮族運動 ; 健身俱樂部 ; 運動參與 ; 消費行為 ; senior sports ; fitness club ; sports participation ; consumer behavior




24輯(2017 / 03 / 01)


53 - 61






Introduction: The participation of seniors in recreational sports is typically limited to constraints such as inadequate sports knowledge and a lack of safe and friendly environment suitable for them. This study aimed to understand the relationship among participation constraints, involvement and purchase intention of seniors in joining fitness clubs. Methods: The sample was identified through convenience sampling technique. The questionnaires were surveyed at Taipei MRT exits and a total of 308 valid questionnaires were collected among 350 respondents over 55 years of age. Results: First, the seniors the highest to low score of participation constraints are structural constraints, interpersonal constraints and intrapersonal constraints in fitness clubs. Second, the participation constraints, involvement and purchase intention of seniors in joining fitness clubs are found to be significantly correlated. Third, the involvement has partly mediated between participation constraints and purchase intention. Conclusion: Frist, senior members of fitness clubs may have previous experience to overcome or reduce participation constraints since they have already participated in fitness clubs, so as to improve the purchase intentions of seniors to participate in joining fitness clubs. Second, the industry should promote the importance of participation in fitness clubs and provide customized fitness equipment for seniors easy to improve their purchase intention by overcoming or reducing the participation constraints of seniors. Finally, this study is based of overcoming or reduces the participation constraints of seniors to propose a number of approaches for the industry.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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