


Benefits of Health-Qigong for improving the Common chronic diseases of senior citizen




賈固華(JiaGu Hua);蘇俊賢(Chun-Hsien Su);李志明(lee chihming)


生活品質 ; 社會負擔 ; 老齡化 ; 醫療負擔 ; Living quality ; Social burdens ; Population ageing ; Medical burdens




26輯(2018 / 04 / 01)


55 - 67






Everyone goes through birth, aging, sickness and death, it's an eternal growth pattern of human society. However, with the rapidly development of society and the progress of science, it became possible to extend the life span of human beings. Simultaneously, the reduction of both the birth rates and the adult mortality rates are accelerating the pace of population aging around the world. This has already became an extremely important global issue. Due to the weakened of immune system and physical deterioration, the elderly are more likely to fall chronically ill. Population aging lead to not only the lower quality of life but also the increase in the old-age dependency ratio which imposed the increase of economic burden of families further on whole society. Based on Chinese traditional regimen, Health-Qigong is a kind of preventive treatment. To some extent, Qigong could effectively improve the quality of life of senior citizen suffered from chronic diseases.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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