


The prediction of 3 × 2 achievement goal on the subjective well-being among youth athletes: The mediating effects of psychological needs




謝欣妤(Xin-Yu Hsieh);季力康(Li-Kang Chi)


個人逃避 ; 個人趨近 ; 他人逃避 ; 他人趨近 ; 工作逃避 ; 工作趨近 ; self-avoidance ; self-approach ; other- avoidance ; other- approach ; task- avoidance ; task- approach




28輯(2019 / 04 / 01)


9 - 21




過去研究提出2×2成就目標跟幸福感是有關連的(Kaplan & Maehr,1999)。然而2×2成就目標對精熟目標定義並不明確,3×2成就目標解決了這個概念化的問題,並且適配性優於其他模式(Elliot, Murayama,& Pekrun,2011)。根據主觀幸福感的需求滿足理論,強調個人的幸福感主要來自基本心理需求的滿足。因此本研究將探討基本心理需求在 3×2成就目標在預測主觀幸福感時所產生的機轉。本研究採用調查法,以北部高中體育班學生為研究對象。經參與者同意後發放問卷,共發出123份問卷,男生78名、女生45名,平均年齡為16.49歲、平均訓練年資為5.83年。以3×2成就目標量表、幸福感量表、基本需求滿足量表為研究工具。研究結果顯示:工作-趨近目標、工作-逃避目標、個人-趨近目標、個人-逃避目標、他人-趨近目標和他人-逃避目標與主觀幸福感呈正相關。自主性在個人-趨近、他人-趨近、工作-趨近和工作-逃避與主觀幸福感之間有部分中介效果,本研究將針對結果進行討論,亦對未來實際應用和研究提出建議。


Previous research concerned with the role that achievement goals may play in facilitating the psychological well-being in the academic setting. Specifically, task goals were related to positive psychological well-being, and ego goals were related to negative psychological well-being (Kaplan & Maehr, 1999). However, few studies have been conducted to examine the possible mechanism. Recently, Elliot, Murayama, and Pekrun (2011) proposed a 3 × 2 achievement goal model. The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of psychological needs on association between 3 × 2 achievement goals and subjective well-being in youth sport. Participants were 123 high school student-athletes (78 males and 45 females) recruited from Taipei and New Taipei city. Their average age was 16.49 year, and the average training year was 5.83 year. After received the informed consent, participants were asked to complete 3 × 2 Achievement Goal Questionnaire (AGQ), Subjective Well-being Questionnaire and Psychological Needs Questionnaire. The data was then analyzed by the descriptive statistics, product-moment correlation and Bootstrap mediation analysis. The results of Bootstrap mediation analyses indicated that autonomy played as mediators in the prediction of all the approach goals (Self-Approach Goal, Other-Approach Goal, and Task- Approach Goal) on subjective well-being. Moreover, Task-Avoidance Goal positively predicted youth athletes' autonomy and then positively predicted their subjective well-being. Base on the findings, the implications and applications of this study are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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