


The relationship between Empowering and Disempowering climates and Dropout Intention in youth swimmers: The mediating role of group cohesiveness




陳巧穎(Chiao-Ying Chen);季力康(Li-Kang Chi)


工作涉入 ; 自主支持 ; 社會支持 ; 自我涉入 ; 教練控制 ; task- involving ; autonomy-supportive ; socially-supportive ; ego-involving ; controlling coach behaviors




29輯(2019 / 10 / 01)


51 - 62






The objective of this study was to investigate the association between empowering and disempowering climates, and dropout intention and further examine the mediating effect of group cohesiveness. A total of 147 youth swimmers (age = 15.33 ± 1.66 years-old; males = 88, females = 59) were recruited as the participants. With the participants' agreement, they completed questionnaires independently to indicate their level of empowering and disempowering climates from their coaches, group cohesiveness, and dropout intention. Regression analysis was conducted to examine the mediating effect. There were four main results in this study. First, empowering climates can positively predict both types of group cohesiveness and negatively predict dropout intention. Second, disempowering climates can negatively predict both types of group cohesiveness and positively predict dropout intention. Third, both types of group cohesiveness and negatively predict dropout intention. The last results of the regression revealed that group cohesiveness fully mediated the relationship between empowering climates and dropout intention and it also partially mediated the relationship between disempowering climates and dropout Intention. The results revealed that the coaches' empowering and disempowering climates and group cohesiveness could influence youth swimmers' dropout intention. Therefore, coaches should use more empowering climates to replace disempowering climates and it is a possible way to enhance teams' group cohesiveness level and reduce youth swimmers' dropout intention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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