


Specificity exploration in throwing training






田徑投擲 ; 專項特質 ; 身體型態 ; 專項體能 ; Track and field ; Shot put ; Special characteristics ; Physical characteristics ; Specific athleticism




31輯(2020 / 10 / 01)


47 - 57






Shot put, one of the track and field events with wider ranges of sporting career nevertheless physical aging may limit technique performance and special traits. With fully support and promotion of Chinese Taipei Athletic Association, Taiwan's athletics yield stunning athletic performance including Asia as well as international tournaments. The javelin thrower Chao-tsun Cheng broke the Asian record with 91.36m effort and won the gold medal at 2017 Summer Universiade as well as discus thrower and shot putter Ming-huang Chang, Chia-ying Lin and discus thrower Tsai-yi Li who won medals at Asian Athletics Championships and met the qualifying standards for the Olympic Games. This literature review study aimed to elicit special and physical characteristics, and specific athleticism regarding shot put, discus throw and hammer throw. Shot put, discus throw and hammer throw share the same sports characteristics except javelin throw, the special characteristics of which will not be addressed consequently. Hopefully, this study will provide scientific basis for which future investigations can be based upon.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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