This article aims to discuss the revised rules of judo in 2017. Based on the literature discussion and the comprehensive reference of data, I hope that through the update of the rules of judo sports competitions, the technical evolution and evolution of training and various race affairs are proposed. The application perspectives on competitions are provided for reference by coaches and players. The new revised rules turn the judo competition into a "short-term, high-intensity, easier to understand and more people-participating" competitive sports, and Let the game be fair and standardized, so that the contestants can use their superb skills, and make the content more exciting, smooth and visible. In the future, coaches and players should cooperate with the revision of the training plan and design a training plan that conforms to the players, so as to cultivate sufficient physical strength, proficient technology and improve the quality of heart palpitations. The new rules changes the pace of the game and increases the number of attacks. Therefore, the coach should focus on the player's speed, explosive power, and muscle strength. Specially strengthen the player's higher-intensity weight training to strengthen the player's sought-after rhythm and continuous offensive action. Control the rhythm, change to offense and defend, and prompt the opponent to lose fouls in a timely manner. In terms of technology, tactics and competition, we must rethink to formulate training prescriptions.
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