


Using PETTLEP imagery training mode to improve students' sport performance in physical education class




余清芳(Ching-Fang Yu);陳暉(Hui Chen);王敏憲(Min-Hsien Wang);林子文(Tzu-Wen Lin);邱逸翔(Yi-Hsiang Chiu)


籃球罰球 ; 排球發球 ; 意象能力 ; 運動教育 ; 教學實踐 ; basketball free throws ; volleyball serve ; imagery ability ; sports education ; teaching practice




33輯(2021 / 10 / 01)


15 - 24






The promotion of individual sports motivation or cognition from the concept of imagery has been generally confirmed. Purpose: Therefore, this study uses the PETTLEP imagery model developed by Holmes and Collins (2001) as the theoretical framework to explore the influence of the intervention of the PETTLEP imagery model on the performance of freshman students in physical education. Methods: This study recruited 72 freshman students in two classes and five-week intervention in experiment group. Exam the physical fitness of students, basketball free throw and volleyball serve performance, and use the image log and the image ability scale as an experimental manipulation check. Results: According to the analysis of the two-factor mixed design, it was found that no interaction effect was found in the performance of the both sports. It was also found that the main effect of the post test was higher than the pre-test, and the main effect of the experimental group was better than the control group in basketball free throw. Conclusion: Although no interaction results were found between the group and the pre- and post-test, it was found between the experimental group and the control group that the imagery intervention group had better sports performance than the control group, which was consistent with past empirical studies. PETTLEP imagery training can really improve students' sport performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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