


Relationships among Self-Handicapping, Empowering Motivational Climate, Collective Efficacy and Team Commitment in College Athletes




俞永日(Yung-Jih Yu);黃崇儒(Chung-Ju Huang);鍾佳芸(Chia-Yun Chung)


團隊動力 ; 情感性承諾 ; 工具性承諾 ; 自主支持 ; Team dynamics ; affective commitment ; instrumental commitment ; autonomy support




33輯(2021 / 10 / 01)


49 - 63






Purpose: This study aimed to examine the relationships among coach-created empowering motivational climate, athletes' self-handicapping and collective efficacy and team commitment, and the moderating effect of empowering motivational climate within these relationships. Methods: The participants were 358 college athletes (251 males and 107 females, mean age = 19.8 years) and completed questionnaires including self-handicapping, empowering motivational climate, collective efficacy, and team commitment. Results: The moderation analyses showed that the interaction between empowering motivational climate and self-handicapping could not predict team commitment and collective efficacy. However, self-handicapping positively predicted instrumental commitment, but negatively predicted affective commitment and collective efficacy; and empowering motivational climate positively predicted affective commitment and collective efficacy, but negatively predicted instrumental commitment. Conclusion: The findings support the relationships among self-handicapping, empowering motivational climate, collective efficacy and team commitment. However, coach-initiated empowering motivational climate did not moderate the relationship between self-handicapping and collective efficacy and team commitment. Task-involving and supportive motivational climate created by coaches may not buffer the negative impacts of team members' self-handicapping on team dynamics. It will be important to consider enhance individuals' sport values and motivation to reduce the debilitated effects of self-handicapping on team variables. Finally, this study puts forward relevant suggestions in practical applications and future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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