
Exploring the Impact of Combining Augmented Reality (AR) with Cooperative Learning on Students' Motivation and Achievement: A Case Study on a Sport Talent Students' Freshman English Class






蔡佳靜(Chia-Ching Karen Tsai)


Augmented Reality (AR) ; Cooperative Learning ; Sport Talent Students ; Freshman English ; 擴增實境 ; 合作學習 ; 體育專長學生 ; 大一英文




35輯(2022 / 10 / 01)


20 - 46




Augmented Reality (AR) is expected to be a new trend in computer assisted learning due largely to its characteristics of high interactivity, authenticity, and immersion. Since visualization and interactivity may trigger memory retention for students with low English proficiency, and help develop their cognitive ability, applying AR in the language learning context has the potentials to improve students' learning motivation and performance. In addition, as manifested in Vygotsky's (1978) constructivism, individuals can construct their knowledge as well as critical thinking skills through cooperating with others. Therefore, AR as a learning tool to create a cooperative learning environment was employed in the current study as a teaching method. The purpose of the study was to investigate whether there existed differences in motivation and achievement for sport talent students with low English proficiency regarding traditional teaching and AR cooperative learning. Fifty-one sport talent students taking Freshman English courses in the fall semester of 2021 participated in this study. Two different teaching methods - Traditional teaching and AR cooperative learning - were employed prior to and after the mid-term exam, respectively. The results showed that sport talent students exhibited a higher motivation as well as learning achievement under the approach of AR learning than in the traditional teaching environment. The findings have provided some insights into the AR application in English instruction for sport talent students.



主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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