


The Relationships among Exercise Behavior, Muscle Appearance Satisfaction and Self-esteem for Male Members in Fitness Gym




張君如(Chun-Ju Chang);李宜玲(Yi-Ling Lee);黃柏竣(Po-Chun Huang)


健身房 ; 肌肉外顯滿意度 ; 自尊 ; 運動行為 ; single-function gym ; exercise behavior ; muscle satisfaction ; self-esteem




8卷1期(2011 / 06 / 01)


189 - 208




本研究以單一功能型健身房男性會員作為施測對象,探討運動行為、肌肉外顯滿意度及自尊之關係。採問卷調查,以立意抽樣方式針對台灣地區北、中、南部共五家健美委員會及健美、健力選手訓練中心之單一功能型健身房,共回收390份有效問卷。以SPSS17.0統計軟體作為分析工具,分析方法以敘述性統計、因素分析、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析。研究結果顯示,在人口背景統計資料中,不同年齡健身房男性會員在「運動行為」的程度是16-20歲族群運動行為程度高於46 歲以上的中高齡者。而在不同居住地區影響運動行為上,顯示北部地區男性會員運動程度較南部地區男性會員高。至於不同職業及每月收入所得會影響男性會員的運動程度,但無法區分程度差異。最後經迴歸分析結果顯示,健身房男性會員在運動行為程度越高則會負向影響「肌肉滿意」、正向影響「肌肉審視」;而肌肉外顯滿意度中兩構面「肌肉滿意」、「肌肉審視」會正向影響個體自尊。


The research took male members of single function type gym as the research subjects, and explored the relationship among exercise behavior, muscle appearance satisfaction, and self-esteem. The research adopted questionnaire and purposive sampling to investigate the single function type gyms of five body-building committees and body-building and power-lifting contestant training centers in North, Central, and South Taiwan, retrieved 390 copies of effective questionnaire, chose SPSS17.0 statistic software as the analysis tools, and took descriptive statistics, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, and regression analysis as the analysis methods. As for the influence of living in diverse area on exercise behavior, the exercise extent of male members in North Taiwan area was higher than that of male members in South Taiwan area. Varied occupation and monthly income would affect male members' exercise extent; however, the difference of extent could not be differentiated. Finally through regression analysis, the research findings showed that the exercise behavior extent of the gym's male member would influence ”muscle satisfaction” negatively, and influence ”muscle review” positively; the two dimensions of ”muscle satisfaction” and ”muscle review” of muscle appearance satisfaction would affect the individual's self-esteem positively.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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