


A Study on the Performance Evaluation Indicators of County/City Athletic Associations in Taiwan




吳柏叡(Po-Jui Wu);賀湘邦(Hsiang-Pang He);王敏行(Ming-Hsing Wang)


組織效能 ; 財務績效 ; 活動推展績效 ; 組織形象 ; 層級分析法 ; organization performance ; financial performance ; organization image ; hierarchy analysis




8卷1期(2011 / 06 / 01)


63 - 76






Performance evaluation is applied to the field of sports just recently. However, it has been widely applied to various business problems, and many performance evaluation methods have been developed accordingly. The industry has accumulated sufficient experience in the application of performance evaluation for reference. The purpose of this research is to establish a set of performance indexes for athletics federation to provide a standard for the self-evaluation by county/city athletics federation in order to make the operation and development of the organizations more complete. Questionnaire survey was conducted on 30 subjects, and the data were analyzed with hierarchy analysis. Based on the results, 4 aspects (i.e. activity performance development, organization performance, financial performance and organization image) and 16 indexes were concluded. Based on AHP weighted calculation, the findings are presented as follows: 1.The important order of enhancing organizational performance evaluation by county/city athletics federation is: activity performance development, organization performance, financial performance and organization image.2.The order of the importance of the indexes is as follows: promote the cultivation of sports talents, develop diversified service items, generate profits to single developments, enhance the organization's professional status, appropriate organization structure, create excellent sports environment, specify strategic goals, cost control plans, enhance the sports popularity, develop and improve the performance standard mechanism, the media's positive opinions towards the organization, the media's high exposure, establish the organization's public welfare image, financial affairs evaluation, and collect social resources.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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