


Residents' Festival Participation and Attitude of Culture and Tourism Development of Inheriting Bombing Dragon Festival in Miaoli City




洪維勵(Wei-Li Hung);李易儒(Yi-Ju Lee);莊縈焄(Ying-Hsun Chuang)


節慶參與程度 ; 觀光發展 ; 客家文化 ; festival participation level ; tourism development ; the Hakka Culture




8卷2期(2011 / 12 / 01)


70 - 85






Bombing dragon is a local festival of the Hakka culture in Miaoli. Since 1998, Miaoli City Government began to organize the Hakka bombing dragon festival due to its cultural importance. The objectives of this study are to understand the development of bombing dragon festival and to analysis residents' participation, and the attitude of culture and tourism development of inheriting the cultural festival to the Hakka culture in Miaoli. The survey was conducted with the residents in February 2008. The results show that the public sector, private sector, local businesses, community residents are pay attention on this local bombing dragon festival. Even people whom work or study outside the Miaoli City, they will return home to participate this festival. This festival embodies the consciousness of local residents and the Hakka culture, which is Miaoli's exclusive spectacle. Therefore, this Festival to Miaoli is highly important and having a special status.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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