In this study, the concept of experiential marketing was applied into the creation of quality items for the management of complex swimming pool from the perspective of the customer experiences. Kano's two dimensional analyses were used to understand the asymmetrical impacts of every quality item on satisfaction or dissatisfaction. This non-linear information will help managers more accurately and effectively use resources to improve or maintain quality. A survey questionnaire was used, including 25 quality items. Respondents were asked to answer ”satisfactory, must-be, neutral, can live with it, or dissatisfactory” for positive and negative inquiries of each quality item. The participants were recruited by quota sampling from the population of 425 private complex swimming pools which past the inspection by Department of Health in 2009. Questionnaires were administered to the consumers at the pools and 399 returned questionnaires were valid with 172 males. A cross table with the two answers by each respondent for each quality item was used to classify every item. The type of quality item was then decided by the highest percentage of frequencies. The results showed that four quality items were must-be, two items were one-dimensional, and 19 items were attractive. There were 5 quality items which had a higher impact on dissatisfaction than that on satisfaction. None of 25 quality items were classified as indifferent items, indicating all these items could have practical values for managers' references. Must-be items were more related to experiences of ”sense” and ”feel”. Particularly, items about security were considered requisite. Quality items related to experiences of ”think” and ”relate” were more likely classified as attractive. As for the items related to behavioral experiences, their classifications could be different by various customer segments. Along with the information of the classification, data about the customers' perceived importance and satisfaction with each quality item in any individual swimming pool can be gathered to help its manager identify urgent item(s) for improvement.
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