


What Is the Main Impact Factor for Baseball Fans to Purchase Intention of Team Accessory Products?




陳祺富(Chi-Fu Chen);楊文廣(Wen-Goang Yang);凃鈺城(Yu-Chen Tu);李素箱(Su-Shiang Lee)


球迷行為 ; 職業運動 ; 結構方程式 ; professional sports ; behavior of fans ; structural equation model




9卷1期(2012 / 06 / 01)


55 - 72






This study focused on the relationship among team identification, perceived value on accessory product and purchase intention of CPBL's on-the-spot fans. We used the ”consumer behavior questionnaire survey on CPBL's on-the-spot fans” and purposeful sampling to examine the on-the-spot fans in four ballparks between March 20 and 28 2010. We sent out 600 questionnaires in the main baseball stadium and there were 512 effective questionnaires with an effective response rate of 85.3 percent. The data gained from the questionnaires were evaluated by descriptive statistics and structure equation model. The results were as following: 1. There were four dimensions on team identification for on-the-spot fans including 1) private evaluation, 2) public evaluation, 3) emotional attachment and 4) cognitive awareness. 2. There were two dimensions on perceived value for on-the-spot fans including 1) utilitarian and 2) symbolic. 3. We found the there was positive purchase intention of on-the-spot fans influenced by perceived value. Moreover, the higher the team identification, the higher purchase intention fans increased by perceived value.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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