This study aims to explore the relationship between motives for recreational activities, tourists' perceived values, satisfaction, and loyalty. The ”Next to pass” method was employed to conduct a questionnaire survey on activity participants, and a total of 625 valid questionnaires were collected, with a valid return rate of 83%. SEM was performed on the collected questionnaires, finding that the overall SEM fit was good. There was a direct or indirect causal-effect relationship between each variable. The findings are as follows:1. Motives for recreational activities have a significant influence on tourists' perceived values and satisfaction.2. Motives for creational activities have no significant influence on loyalty. It is inferred that motives for recreational activities do not have a direct influence on loyalty, which is because an activity participant, who has developed precise motives to participate in an activity, has not experienced the activity in person, and therefore, is unable to develop an immediate loyalty to the activity. Instead, loyalty can only be cultivated when the activity participant feel a sense of satisfaction after participating in the activity in person.3. Tourists' perceived values have a significant influence on satisfaction.4. Tourists' perceived values have no significant influence on loyalty. It is inferred that a participant's values generated from activity participation in person is unable to have a direct influence on loyalty. The underlying reason is that a tourist, who has experienced the values of an activity in person, may be able to perceive the activity's particularity, time-killing utility, and values more than its price. However, the tourist is unable to immediately develop loyalty. Instead, a sense of satisfaction at the activity's values would arise in the activity participant, and such satisfaction would affect loyalty like a medium. A tourist who can perceive more apparent values of an activity would have a higher level of satisfaction, and have a relatively better chance to develop loyalty to the activity.5. Satisfaction has a significant influence on loyalty.
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王昭正譯、黃章展譯、林宗賢譯、劉以德譯、Stephen, L. J.、Smith(2007)。休閒遊憩專業字典。臺北市:品度。