


A Study of Relationship among the Senior Learners' Leisure Attitude, Health-Promotion Lifestyle and Health Behavior Self-Efficacy




蔡正育(Cheng-Yu Tsai)


樂齡族群 ; 休閒態度 ; 健康促進生活型態 ; 健康行為自我效能 ; Senior learner ; Leisure attitude ; Health-promotion lifestyle ; Health behavior self-efficacy




11卷4期(2014 / 12 / 01)


53 - 67






The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among the senior learners' leisure attitude, health-promotion lifestyle, and health behavior self-efficacy. Subjects of this research were recruited from thirty-six Senior Citizens Learning Centers in Tainan City. Four hundred survey forms were distributed to collect data, and 358 valid surveys were returned for a 89.5 % response rate. The Canonical Correlation was used to analyze data. The results showed as follows: 1. There is significant canonical correlation between leisure attitude and health-promotion lifestyle. Two significant canonical variates resulted from the linear combination of leisure attitude and health-promotion lifestyle. 2. There is significant canonical correlation between leisure attitude and health behavior self-efficacy. Two significant canonical variates resulted from the linear combination of leisure attitude and health behavior self-efficacy. 3. There is significant canonical correlation between health-promotion lifestyle and health behavior self-efficacy. Three significant canonical variates resulted from the linear combination of health-promotion lifestyle and health behavior self-efficacy. The results indicated that there were positively and significantly influences among leisure attitude, health-promotion lifestyle and health behavior self-efficacy of senior learners. The results of this investigation can be a meaningful implication to both government and medical care system for formulating or designing proper leisure-related policies and programs.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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