The purpose of this study was to construct the health promoting lifestyle profile, which were based on the HPLP II developed by Walker and Hill-Polerecky. The population of this study was students of junior colleges, and surveys were conducted. Four hundred survey instruments were distributed and the number of effective instrument was 327, for an effective rate of 81.75 %. The data collected were analyzed by item analysis, reliability estimation, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. Six factors were retained from the results, including spiritual growth, stress management, health responsibility, physical activity, interpersonal relations and nutrition, and there were twenty-seven items in the survey instrument. The Cronbach alpha coefficient of the entire instrument was significantly greater than .700, and in each dimension greater than .600. Thus, high internal consistency of the survey instrument was revealed. In addition, after modification of the confirmation model, results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the good fit of the model was acceptable.
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