


The Influence of Work Pressure and Coping Skill on College Physical Education Teacher




張珈瑛(Chia-Ying Chang);陳南福(Nan-Fu Chen);陳建廷(Chien-Ting Chen)


大專體育教師 ; 工作壓力 ; 壓力因應方式 ; 路徑分析 ; College Physical Education Teacher ; Work Pressure ; Coping Skill ; Structural Equation Modeling




12卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


73 - 88




目的:在探討大專體育教師工作壓力對壓力因應方式之影響。方法:本研究採量化研究中的問卷調查法,研究對象為以103學年度任職於新北市地區公私立大專院校體育系及體育室之專任教師,總計發放問卷223份,回收問卷198份,扣除無效問卷後得到有效問卷180份,有效問卷回收率為88.79%。本研究以Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 17.0(SPSS 17.0)以及Linear Structural Relation Model 8.80(LISREL 8.80)為資料分析工具,使用的分析方法為信度分析、描述性統計、驗證性因素分析與路徑分析。結果:「學生管理」、「專業知能」、「行政負荷」與「工作負荷」會顯著影響「工作壓力」;「解決問題」、「自我調適」、「尋求資源」與「逃避問題」會顯著影響「壓力因應方式」;而大專體育教師「工作壓力」對「壓力因應方式」有顯著影響力。結論:本研究結果發現影響大專體育教師的「工作壓力」因素中,以「行政負荷」為最高;影響大專體育教師的「壓力因應方式」因素中,以「逃避問題」為最高。


Purpose: This study explored the influence of work pressure and coping skill on college physical education teacher. Methods: The research subjects were the 2014 full-time teachers working in public and private universities of the Department of Physical Education in New Taipei City, whose outlooks were investigated with a questionnaire survey instrument. The study implemented a census approach. There were 223 questionnaires distributed, 198 questionnaires were returned, and 180 valid questionnaires were collected, for an effective response rate of 88.79 % after the invalid questionnaires were removed from the data. The study used several statistical approaches, including descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability and validity testing and Social Sciences 17.0 (SPSS 17.0) and Linear Structural Relation Model 8.80 (LISREL 8.80) packages for the data analysis. Result: The "student management", "Professional Competence", "administrative burden", and "workload" may significantly affect the "work pressure"; "Solving problems", "self-adjustment", "seek resources", and "avoid problems" will significantly impact "coping skill"; and college physical education teachers' work pressure significant influence on coping skill. Conclusion: The results of this study found that "work stress" factors in college Physical Education teachers to "administrative burden" as the highest; the impact of college Physical Education teachers' "coping skill" factor in order to "avoid problems" is the highest.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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