


The Relationships among Home Game Marketing, Territorial Association, Team Identification, and Behavioral Intention: A Case Study of the Lamigo Monkeys in the CPBL




王建興(Chien-Hsin Wang);黃國軒(Kuo-Hsuan Huang);方怡潔(Yi-Chieh Fang)


職業運動 ; 屬地權 ; 社區關聯 ; Professional Sports ; Franchise ; Community Affiliation




13卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


9 - 24




緒論:Lamigo桃猿隊是首支施行全主場制的球隊,透過認養主場的方式進行主場行銷,並在2014年成為中華職棒四支球隊中主場人數成長最多的球隊。為瞭解Lamigo桃猿隊施行主場行銷策略對於在地球迷未來進場觀賽之影響,本研究旨在探討中華職棒大聯盟Lamigo桃猿隊屬地經營現況,並藉以驗證其球迷球隊主場行銷、屬地聯想、球隊認同與行為意圖等變項間之潛在關係。方法:研究對象為Lamigo桃猿隊主場之球迷,研究工具包含「球隊主場行銷量表」、「屬地聯想量表」、「球隊認同量表」以及「行為意圖量表」,問卷於2014年4月在Lamigo桃猿隊主場桃園國際棒球場進行現場發放及回收(共發出440份,回收有效問卷427份,有效問卷回收率為96 %)。結果:(一)Lamigo桃猿隊屬地經營模式適配度佳(X_2/df= 3.29、RMSEA= .07、GFI= .90、CFI= .93、TLI(NNFI)= .92、PGFI= .68、PNFI= .77);(二)球隊主場行銷對於屬地聯想具有顯著的正向影響(.53, p < .01);(三)屬地聯想對於球隊認同具有顯著的正向影響(.48, p < .01);(四)球隊認同對於行為意圖具有顯著的正向影響(.58, p < .01)。結論:當球團將目標著重於在地化經營且球迷對於主場行銷評價越高時,則有助於提升球迷對於主場球隊與屬地城市的聯想力進而強化球隊認同感,藉此增進球迷未來進場觀賽的意願。


Introduction: The Lamigo Monkeys is the first team that implements home game marketing for its entire home games. Adopting the home ballpark to implement home game marketing, the Lamigo Monkeys had the rapidest growth in home game spectators among the four teams in the CPBL during the 2014 season. In order to understand the influence of home game marketing strategy by the Lamigo Monkeys on its local fans’ future attendance, this study was intended to examine the relationships among home game marketing, territorial association, team identification, and behavioral intention. Method: The participants of the study were the home fans of the Lamigo Monkeys, The instrument was comprised of four scales concerning home game marketing, territorial association, team identification, and behavioral intention. The questionnaires were distributed during April, 2014 in the Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium. A total of 440 questionnaires were distributed and 427 effective questionnaires were returned with an effective response rate of 96%. The collected data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. Results: (1) The hypothesized model fit the data appropriately (X_2/df= 3.29, RMSEA= .07, GFI= .90, CFI= .93, TLI (NNFI)= .92, PGFI= .68, PNFI= .77); (2) home game marketing was found to be positively related to territorial association (.53, p < .01); (3) territorial association was found to be positively related to team identification (.48, p < .01); (4) team identification was found to be positively related to behavioral intention (.58, p < .01). Conclusions: When the franchise focuses on localization and fans give more credits to home game marketing, it will help to increase fans’ perceived association with the home team as well as its host city, which will in turn enhance their identification with the team and ultimately induce the intention of future attendance.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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