


Research on the Pattern of Behavioral Intention for College Students from Pingtung Participating in Table Tennis




陳進祥(Chin-Hsiang Chen)


桌球運動 ; 行為傾向 ; 態度 ; 主觀規範 ; 行為控制知覺 ; Table Tennis ; Behavioral Intention ; Attitude ; Subjective Norm ; Perceived Behavioral Control




13卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


31 - 44






The purpose of this research was to discuss the current situation of college students participating in table tennis, and TPB was applied to discuss the influencing factors of college students participating in table tennis. The research applied SEM for data analysis to test the fitness of research framework and relationship of each path. By cluster sampling, this research took the students of four colleges in Pingtung as research participants. 400 questionnaires were distributed in total during the 5 days from December 14 to December 18 in 2015. After recycling and sorting, there were 383 valid, and the effective recovery ratio was 95.75 %. It descriptively counted the data by SPSS and AMOS, and applied SEM to analyze convergent validity, discriminant validity, model fitness and cross validation. The result of this research showed that the model fitness was well on the whole. Most of the research participants were the female freshmen. Among the path values of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control to behavioral intention of participating in table tennis, the path values of perceived behavioral control was highest with 0.45, attitude was the second with 0.24, and subjective norm was the last with only 0.13 which did not reach significant level. According to the research results, the researchers had put forward 3 suggestions to improve behavioral intention of participating in table tennis. Firstly, emphasize the benefit of table tennis, and encourage students to participate in it. Secondly, hold table tennis competition regularly to enhance the influence of important reference group. Thirdly, Schools can provide the table tennis facility for teachers and students participating sports at their spare time.. It is hoped that this could provide reference for related institutions who carry out college PE and follow-up relevant researchers when they do the practical work and research.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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